Welcome to the homepage of the Barlastboat and Nordsydtid as presented in the book, Engineering in bronze age Scandinavia by Henrik Nordsyd.
Dont miss my book on the subject
Welcome to the homepage of the Barlastboat and Nordsydtid that was originally presented in the book "engineering in bronze age Scandinavia" and several Youtube videos by Henrik Nordsyd.
Henrik Nordsyd is originally a calculation engineer that used his profession to analyse the rock carvings found in Scandinavia, which his home country Sweden is a part of. The rock carvings are from the Nordic bronze age and predates the more known Viking age by at least 2000 years. But some of the findings Henrik made likely played a role in the later Viking age with its focus on ocean travels and some concepts related to navigation is still used today. Even some holiday celebrations could relate back to the invention of the Nordsydtid.
To learn more see the video to the right or click the link below for my Youtube videos that has introduction to the different topics presented in the book and more.
You will find a web shop for the book here.
We are working on the web shop for the book and will also have a Hornkikare pendant and a miniature Nordsydtid art piece both made of bronze. Send us your Email to sign up for the newsletter today and we will send more information as we are closer to launch.
Im always interested in meeting like minded viking, boating and navigation
interested friends.